Bournemouth stood silent as hundreds of people paid their respects and laid flowers for 18-year-old Cameron Hamilton.

During today’s march against knife crime, friends, family, and strangers gathered in Bournemouth to provoke action.

People who knew Cameron, and people who did not, all mourned his death as they looked to their own children and feared for their future.

Parents spoke of their sadness for Cameron, their anger towards knife crime in Bournemouth and their terror of the tragic incident happening again.

The public stood tall as they marched down to Cameron’s tribute site in Bournemouth Square, with determination in their eyes.

But all fell quiet as the crowd gazed upon the place where Cameron took his last breath.

The atmosphere changed from confident resolve to quiet remembrance, as the crowd stayed silent to pay their respects to Cameron and his family.

Hundreds of people, most who had never met him, laid flowers for Cameron as they wordlessly apologised for society’s failure.

The crowd then turned to Bournemouth Lower Gardens, where families and friends lent on one another for support as they marched through the town.

Today’s showing of strangers and friends coming together radiated the town’s frustration, as the public put their foot down to violent crime in Bournemouth.

The message from Bournemouth residents is clear - ‘enough is enough’.