Okay okay I confess this is going to be a complete outpour of complete geek love for Halo. Sorry but it's just going to happen.

Quick history brief for me and Halo...

I didn't get an original Xbox on launch. I wasn't interested as I had my Gamecube and that was the end all of consoles at the time. My PS2 was gathering dust.

A good pal lent me his Xbox one day and informed me that I really should try playing Halo, as it's rather good.

So I humoured him and gave it a go. Oh my.

This game was big, real big.

The rest is history. I picked up a console when LIVE came out. Got Halo and Ghost Recon and some other bits and bobs. Fast forward to the launch of Halo 2 and I was so excited that morning to get down and get my copy that I ripped half of my left thumb open on the door.

Still I played like a trooper that day.

Halo 3 and ODST have gone by since then and I have seen the entire trilogy (all completed on Legendary no less) and now eagerly anticipate Bungie's swansong in the Halo Universe.

This title is not only important for it being a Halo game, but as mentioned it is no longer being developed by the company that brought it to life. They're moving on to new pastures and leaving Microsoft's new(ish) studio 343 industries in control of the franchise and it's future.

So Bungie are sending Halo off in style. In many ways.

First we'll talk about what I'm actually going to be (probably foolishly) spending my money on come Monday night.

First off I have to buy the Legendary Edition. Off the top of my head I can't remember what is in this pack. I just remember that it is massive, has a statue, some codes to do stuff, a load of extra gubbins and somewhere in there is the game itself. This is going to set me back £100. Gulp.

Then we've got the "limited" console. Oh dear. This baby is going to be around £250 but it is the nice new slim version which I would so very like, if only for it being sleeker but also for it's built in Wifi and out of the box Kinect compatibility (that's another story). There's also 2 controllers and a wireless headset and another copy of the game. I know, I know.

Now there is the game. Oh the game!

I'm not spoiling it for anyone but I've had a good bit of hands on time with the game and it's just the best Halo title yet. Easily. My favourite is / was Halo 2. I'm not in a position to judge yet but I think Reach may steal the crown for me.

The scope of the world is huge. I feel like I'm discovering something new and experiencing what feels like a buddy movie that is doomed from the start. As all Halo fans know this doesn't end happily.

Bungie have crammed in lots of missed features from previous games despite this being a prequel. They've ramped up the multiplayer AGAIN. I don't know how they do it each time. Forge World is just... well beautiful!

Microsoft have the hype machine oiled up and running on overdrive. I am hyped. I hope you are too.

Get the game at the midnight launches throughout Bournemouth this Monday midnight. Check with the store beforehand that you're preorder is intact and they'll probably confirm that your copy is sitting happily in the storeroom. Yes it's true they've probably had them in for quite a while (I feel like I'm gritting my teeth while saying this).

Tell us your favourite Halo moments in the comments, are you heading out to a midnight launch?