NOT surprisingly, Eddie Howe seemed a little taken aback by one line of questioning at his post-match press conference.

As he basked in the glory of keeping Cherries in the Football League, it hit him like a bull in a china shop.

For once, he almost seemed affronted, if not a touch insulted.

The inquisitor, himself, seemed bored with the repeated platitudes and bouquets delivered by his contemporaries and decided to go for the jugular.

“This club seems to thrive on celebrating failure. Is it about time it had some success to celebrate?” he was asked.

Fortunately, his reply was more considered than the question.

“I don’t think this is celebrating failure,” he said. “At one stage, it looked like we were head-long into the Conference, without a shadow of a doubt and, against all the odds, we’ve managed to stay up.”

Turning to the reporter, he continued: “I think that’s wrong. I agree with the sentiment and, if we hadn’t had any points deducted, I certainly wouldn’t be celebrating. But next year is a different year and we will think of that in the coming weeks.”

Suitably chastised, the reporter thought long and hard about his next possible angle.

In his short spell as a manager, Howe has learned much. And perhaps this is one of the reasons why he will go far in the game.


He realises that indulging ignorant or uninformed journalists is all part of the job and answering stupid questions goes with the territory.

He is also far too intelligent for “no comment” replies, while the silent treatment is not his style – neither are churlish one-word answers to ill-researched questions.

A failure to confront the issues is a weakness that could never be levelled at Howe. If it were, Cherries could have been in serious trouble.

He deals with difficult decisions head-on and players and press alike know exactly where they stand. Delicate issues are dealt with in private.

Make no mistake, his brief stewardship has not been without incident.

But awkward situations have always been quickly nipped in the bud.

Fiercely determined and ambitious as a player, he was twice crowned King Edward, winning the supporters’ player of the year trophy in 1998 and 1999.

Revered by fans for his refreshing management style, Howe should also be applauded for his tact and professionalism in his dealings with the press.

Sorry, Eddie. It was an amateurish question and I will certainly think twice before I open my big mouth next time.