Almost 300 boys and girls from Broadstone Football Club had a ball as they celebrated a successful season with a massive fun day.

The Poole club, which started with just one under-11s team in 1982, had grown steadily and boasted a total of 17 teams when these pictures were snapped on May 2, 2004.

For the first time that season, they fielded all-girl teams and they also a total of around 30 players aged seven and under waiting to join teams.

Bournemouth Echo: Broadstone Football Club fun day.

The under-11 boys went all season undefeated and the under-10 boys won their league quite convincingly. The under-13 girls were runners-up in their league.

As well as an end-of-season tournament where Broadstone teams pitted their wits against each other, the fun day also included a prize-giving ceremony, raffle, balloon race and penalty competitions.

Bournemouth Echo: pix by Andy Horsfield - 01/05/04 - pBr39 Broadstone football club end of season fun day......some of the many youngsters taking part....some of the girls teams...

Playing at the fun day were 228 of the boys, 51 girls, as well as players from the two under-18 sides who were helping run things.